Hello, I'm Feebee.

I was born and raised in one of the most vibrant cities of Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh city (also known as Saigon), and my journey to adulthood has taken me across the United States. I currently call the East Coast my home, but deep down, San Diego will always have a special place in my heart.

I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Graphic Design, but destiny had other plans for me. I stumbled upon my true passion in Product Design, and it's been quite the journey. I've had the privilege of working in diverse industries and wearing multiple hats, but what truly excites me is the challenge of crafting complex products, especially in the world of B2B and Enterprise.

My artistic journey began with a humble brush tool in Paint MS on Windows XP when I was just a kid. Today, I create "art" using flowcharts, diagrams, mappings, wireframes, and prototypes. It's amazing how we evolve from our humble beginnings. I owe my creative spark to a '90s computer program, and I'm incredibly grateful for the path it set me on.